LeBron James - 什麼叫做天花板?勇敢衝出無極限!
也因此這樣,許多身處在惡劣處境的孩子本身就會開始妄自菲薄,覺得沉淪才是他們唯一出路,談什麼夢想,這都是狗屁!但LeBron James用超凡天賦與努力和自我鞭策的態度為自己開闢了一條康莊大道。
但能讓LeBron James在黑暗中有著一線曙光的人並不是他自己,而是母親Gloria James,她始終相信自己兒子,認為能與眾不同成就大事,千萬別小看這樣看似簡單的信任與支持,在那樣絕望的環境與條件下,如何能有堅韌的態度與信念去相信自己,放手一搏、至死方休絕不放棄是決定命運的關鍵。
一個真情的相挺、適時的伸出援手,化身為一個避風港與堅若磐石的後盾,這是Gloria帶給兒子最深摯的愛與至寶,讓LeBron James可以勇敢創造自己的奇蹟,不向現實與殘酷妥協,唯有這樣才能在這樣窘迫困境闖出一片天。
正因為Gloria,LeBron James了解如何幫助處在困境的孩子,這也讓他一直以來都積極要樹立典範,去試圖啟發激勵任何人,訴說著:『每個人都有無限的潛能,永遠不要低估自己。』
因此LeBron James的職業生涯不斷在突破自我,藉此提倡與以身作則,即使在多麼逆境下都需要對自己有所期待,而不是被動等著接受失敗,提早舉雙手棄械投降,必須相信自己,正所謂有夢最美希望相隨。
最後LeBron James如願以償完成了這終極的夢想,這讓他在2016年成為繼Tiger Woods後,第二個被Sports Illustrated(運動畫刊)兩度評選為年度體育人物的運動員,當然這也是籃球界的首位。
精益求精,尋求成為最好來超越極限,是LeBron James在職業生涯瘋狂在追求的事情,從進聯盟就背負著『天選之子』的名號,LBJ過去這16年來並沒有讓球迷失望,一步一腳印的朝著籃球總統山的方向爬去,如今已踏上峰頂,未來當他卸下戰袍之後,如果被列入這傳奇之嶺是一點都不讓人驚訝。
▉LBJ當選當月最佳球員總計38次,這數字有多驚人?強如Kevin Durant只有14次,同梯的Wade只有8次,Stephen Curry目前也僅有10次而已。
▉LBJ總計12次入選NBA年度第一隊成為歷史第一,直接超越Kobe Bryant與Karl Malone的11次紀錄。
▉LBJ連續14個賽季場均得分25+成為歷史第一人,早已經超越Michael Jordan與Karl Malone的連續11個的賽季紀錄,代表著擁有長年穩如泰山的表現力。
▉LBJ連續得分上雙寫下883場新紀錄,超越Michael Jordan連續866場的歷史高牆紀錄。
▉LBJ季後賽首輪率隊21連勝,寫下近33年聯盟歷史最佳紀錄,超越Magic Johnson的20連勝紀錄,代表從LBJ從2013年-2017年,這五個賽季不論在熱火或騎士都在首輪橫掃千軍,直到18年賽季才被印第安納溜馬所終結。
▉LBJ在18年季後賽總冠軍賽前得分寫下新紀錄,612分超越Hakeem Olajuwon在1995年保持的594分,代表他有多麼一夫當關萬夫莫敵,在那一年幾乎一個人撐起了騎士。
▉LBJ在18年季後賽轟出8場得分40+,超越Michael Jordan在1989年的7場,追平Jerry West在1965年的8場紀錄,一同並列歷史第一。
▉LBJ季後賽總得分達到6911分,正式超越Michael Jordan成為歷史第一。
▉LBJ季後賽得分30+場次達到110場,正式超越Michael Jordan成為歷史第一。
以上LeBron James所寫下的季後賽累積紀錄,除了率隊21連勝那個之外,全部都在2018年季後賽一併爆發出來,這也是為什麼在18年雖然騎士仍在奧克蘭敗北於勇士腳下,但LBJ卻贏得了成千上萬籃球迷的尊重,將自己籃球聲勢攀向到另一個高峰。
從不隨著年紀增長、無數榮耀加冕或者家財萬貫而有一絲懈怠與自滿,LeBron James這樣自強不息的態度不僅僅貫穿整個職業生涯,就連他場外人生與事業也都套用其中,力求成為一個當代的絕佳榜樣,告訴下一代年輕人如何懷抱夢想,勇敢向前衝,絕不輕易自我設限。
當Fox新聞評論員Laura Ingraham無禮的說道:『Shut Up and Dribble(閉嘴好好打球)』時,更是凸顯一些世俗的觀念與種族歧視直到現在還有多嚴重,然而LeBron James正代表著要強勢衝破這框架的男人。
不僅籃球領域,從投資創業、跨界電影到扮演慈善家,LeBron James彷彿十八般武藝無不精通,這都意謂著他一直所提倡的,每個人都有無限可能,天花板是不存在的,任何人都有機會創造自己的無極限。
出身與處境永遠都不是最大問題,命運由自己書寫,未來由自己掌控,這就是LeBron James只待強者,不只是籃球員的王者真諦,即使不服他,也必須尊敬他那無遠弗屆的正面影響力。
而LeBron James 的傳奇故事尚未到終章,在有幸能見證下,請好好珍惜還擁有他的籃球時代。
➡ Nike Basketball Taiwan
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『 Dribble&CEO 』
商界天才LeBron James已打造屬於自己的商業帝國。
這是LeBron James的商業夥伴兼任兄弟的Maverick Carter在談到LBJ人生規劃時所講到的,而事實也確實是如此。
這些類似案例在運動界是層出不窮,因此這老早就已經是年輕的LeBron James一直在擔心與計畫的事情,他沒有因有大把突如其來的金錢鈔票,就這樣一夜致富的處境下給沖昏了頭。
結果大家都知道了,Nike用誠意與宏遠未來規劃和最大的信任贏得LeBron James的簽約,雙方也證明了這是完美的結合,創造出巨大的球鞋版圖,且最終還達成了終身合約,這被LBJ視為人生最成功的理財決定。
正因為18歲就具備成熟冷靜的風範,有著敏銳的判斷和正確的決策,LBJ在2004年就找來知名的Paul Wachter來擔任財政顧問,Wachter一直是許多好萊屋巨星的商業顧問,也是當時加州州長Arnold Schwarzenegger的頭號顧問。
2006年Paul Wachter特別介紹LeBron James給Warren Buffett認識,讓他與這位世界上最成功的投資家請益學習,而在雙方一見如故下,Buffett給予LBJ相當高的評價說:
LeBron James在2005年與自己首位經紀人分道揚鑣後,就下定決心要親自操作能真正投入參與的商業模式,要有屬於自己的掌控權,決定做自己的主人,於是隔年他與其他三個好兄弟Richard Paul、Maverick Carter和Randy Mims一同建立『LRMR』商業帝國。
因此『LRMR』的公司標語為『We seek partners, not clients(我們尋找的是夥伴,而不是客戶)』,與LBJ在人生道路上與職業生涯所注重的兄弟情不謀而合。
2008年Paul Wachter將LBJ與團隊『LRMR』引薦給Beats耳機創始人Jimmy Iovine和Dr. Dre相約見面,最後雙方相談甚歡成為合作夥伴與股東之一。
接著2012年LeBron James又眼光獨到看好新興的連鎖披薩店Blaze,只是礙於正在代言麥當勞,因此當時只單純投資做為股東之一。
LeBron James一直不僅僅是個優質的代言者,他還具備老闆身分參與其中帶來關鍵決策,為品牌灌入難以估量的價值。
上述兩個投資案例能夠理解LeBron James就如Buffett所形容的,是一個具備精準眼光與前瞻商業頭腦的CEO,除了創立『LRMR』外,他還有娛樂公司SpingHill Entertainment以及多媒體公司Uninterrupted,儼然LBJ已經建造屬於自己的商業帝國,且還有許多商業計畫正在進行獲利中。
根據2018年統計,在「世界最會賺錢運動員」的調查裡,LeBron James排在第六,是NBA籃球員名次排最高的,在球員薪資、各項代言與投資都相當活躍與成功。
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basketball dribble 在 HBK 的 NBA I Love This Game Facebook 八卦
『 Dribble&CEO 』
商界天才LeBron James已打造屬於自己的商業帝國。
這是LeBron James的商業夥伴兼任兄弟的Maverick Carter在談到LBJ人生規劃時所講到的,而事實也確實是如此。
這些類似案例在運動界是層出不窮,因此這老早就已經是年輕的LeBron James一直在擔心與計畫的事情,他沒有因有大把突如其來的金錢鈔票,就這樣一夜致富的處境下給沖昏了頭。
結果大家都知道了,Nike用誠意與宏遠未來規劃和最大的信任贏得LeBron James的簽約,雙方也證明了這是完美的結合,創造出巨大的球鞋版圖,且最終還達成了終身合約,這被LBJ視為人生最成功的理財決定。
正因為18歲就具備成熟冷靜的風範,有著敏銳的判斷和正確的決策,LBJ在2004年就找來知名的Paul Wachter來擔任財政顧問,Wachter一直是許多好萊屋巨星的商業顧問,也是當時加州州長Arnold Schwarzenegger的頭號顧問。
2006年Paul Wachter特別介紹LeBron James給Warren Buffett認識,讓他與這位世界上最成功的投資家請益學習,而在雙方一見如故下,Buffett給予LBJ相當高的評價說:
LeBron James在2005年與自己首位經紀人分道揚鑣後,就下定決心要親自操作能真正投入參與的商業模式,要有屬於自己的掌控權,決定做自己的主人,於是隔年他與其他三個好兄弟Richard Paul、Maverick Carter和Randy Mims一同建立『LRMR』商業帝國。
因此『LRMR』的公司標語為『We seek partners, not clients(我們尋找的是夥伴,而不是客戶)』,與LBJ在人生道路上與職業生涯所注重的兄弟情不謀而合。
2008年Paul Wachter將LBJ與團隊『LRMR』引薦給Beats耳機創始人Jimmy Iovine和Dr. Dre相約見面,最後雙方相談甚歡成為合作夥伴與股東之一。
接著2012年LeBron James又眼光獨到看好新興的連鎖披薩店Blaze,只是礙於正在代言麥當勞,因此當時只單純投資做為股東之一。
LeBron James一直不僅僅是個優質的代言者,他還具備老闆身分參與其中帶來關鍵決策,為品牌灌入難以估量的價值。
上述兩個投資案例能夠理解LeBron James就如Buffett所形容的,是一個具備精準眼光與前瞻商業頭腦的CEO,除了創立『LRMR』外,他還有娛樂公司SpingHill Entertainment以及多媒體公司Uninterrupted,儼然LBJ已經建造屬於自己的商業帝國,且還有許多商業計畫正在進行獲利中。
根據2018年統計,在「世界最會賺錢運動員」的調查裡,LeBron James排在第六,是NBA籃球員名次排最高的,在球員薪資、各項代言與投資都相當活躍與成功。
➡Nike Basketball Taiwan
basketball dribble 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Allen Iverson loves Kyrie Irving
I love Kyrie too and make a top 100 ankle breaking plays for him
Irving’s crossover dribble is one of the best in business, and in order to make sure the Kyrie 2 was able to help him pull it off as easily as possible, Nike introduced a curved bottom surface of the midsole and outsole, which is the first of its kind for a basketball sneaker. It’s meant to allow Irving to redistribute his weight and cut without “slapping his foot to the court,” which should help him remain as explosive as possible.
Tyronn Lue on Kyrie: "He has the best handle in the NBA, so he's able to play iso basketball."

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Here's a painting of NBA superstar Yao Ming I did, with some red paint and a basketball! I guess all those years of basketball training in high school did come in handy!
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Ai Wei Wei Sunflower seeds portrait:
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basketball dribble 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
For those who were there at McDonough Gymnasium on August 4, 1994, few will forget the arrival of a 6-0 freshman guard who needed no introduction. The rumors of Allen Iverson's arrival to the Kenner Summer League were true, and by game's end, Iverson had scored 40 points. By the Sunday afternoon final, before an overflow crowd inside the gym and a crowd of those outside who could not get in, Iverson finished a combined 99 point effort in three days against some of the best collegiate talent in the city. This, of course, from a player that had not played organized basketball in over a year.
The Allen Iverson years had begun.
A brief profile can't do justice to tell the story of one of the greatest pure athletes ever to attend Georgetown, a man without peer in his talent over two years at the collegiate level. Just a year before his Kenner debut, few would have imagined Allen Iverson ever playing college basketball.
Iverson was not only a 31 point a game guard for Bethel HS, but a football player of tremendous skill. As a quarterback and defensive back his sophomore season, he produced nearly 1,600 yards offense and 13 INT's. By his junior year, he accounted for 2,204 yards, 21 touchdowns by rush or interception, and 14 touchdown passes. In a region which has produced NFL quarterbacks such as Michael Vick and Aaron Brooks, there are those who will still say "Bubbachuck" Iverson was better than both of them. Schools such as Arkansas, Kentucky, Duke, and three dozen other top programs across two sports were vying for perhaps the greatest two-sport star the Tidewater had ever produced.
When he led Bethel to the state title, someone asked what it was like to win the title. "I'm going to get one in basketball now," which he did. In late February, 1993, en route to the state title he had promised, Iverson was one of a large group of Bethel teammates at a Hampton bowling alley when a fight broke out between students from rival schools trading racial insults. Three people were hurt in the aftermath. Despite conflicting testimony from eyewitnesses and no clear evidence linking him to the crime, Iverson was one of four black students arrested.
Racial tensions were heightened when the prosecutors passed on a misdemeanor assault charge and charged Iverson with three counts of felony "maiming by mob", which carried a 20 year prison sentence. Despite video evidence which did not place Iverson in the crowd at the time of the fight, he was convicted in a racially charged case.
The 20 year sentence was later reduced to five, and Iverson was granted clemency by Gov. Douglas Wilder three months later, sending Iverson to a detention program at an alternative high school. (The original charges were thrown out by the Virginia court of appeals in 1995.)
In the spring of 1994, with Iverson still in detention, his mother approached John Thompson with a plea to help her son get to college and start a new chapter of his life. Though Thompson had passed on a number of troubled players in the past, he offered Iverson a scholarship in April of that season, contingent upon his completion of high school and his legal release, which was granted 48 hours before his Kenner debut.
By his debut in a Georgetown uniform in November 1994, Iverson had been the subject of intense national media attention. In the Hoyas' annual exhibition with Fort Hood, Iverson scored 36 points, five assists, and three steals in 23 minutes. Local columnists were in awe.
"Hang his number up in the rafters," wrote Tom Knott of the Washington Times. "He's better than most of the point guards in the NBA right now."
"I saw Lew Alcindor, Austin Carr, Moses Malone, Alonzo Mourning, Albert King, Ralph Sampson and Patrick Ewing play in high school," said the Post's Thomas Boswell. "Now, I have two memories on my first impression top shelf. The man who became Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Allen Iverson."
Iverson opened the 1994-95 season in Memphis, TN in a 97-79 loss to defending NCAA champion Arkansas, scoring 19 points. Six days later, he scored 31 in a nationally televised game with DePaul, followed by 30 four days later against Providence, leading the team in scoring 22 times that season. His only game under double figures for the season (and his career) was a game where he played only ten minutes in a loss at Villanova, a game Georgetown coach John Thompson threatened to forfeit when a group of Villanova students paraded through the Spectrum in black and white-striped prison garb, with a sign comparing Iverson to O.J. Simpson.
"You accept certain ribbing, but there is a line," Thompson said after the game. "I can condone any Christian university sitting and watching that happen...If that happens [again], I going to walk. It that simple." Such fan behavior was not seen thereafter.
Later in the season, with President Bill Clinton in attendance, Iverson scored 26 as the Hoyas routed Villanova, 77-52. He followed it up with 21 to beat Syracuse, 28 versus St. John's, 31 in a Big East tournament opener with Miami (a game that saw Iverson outscore the entire Hurricane team at the end of the first half), and 27 versus Connecticut in the semis. In the NCAA regional, he scored 24 in the loss, but held Jeff McInnis to 1 for 8 shooting. By season's end, Allen Iverson had been named Big East Player of the Week nine times, Rookie of the Year, a second team all-conference selection, and honorable mention All-America recipient. Having led the Hoyas in points and steals en route to the school's first NCAA regional appearance since 1989, Iverson was already a star. By 1996, he would become nothing less than a sensation.
The leaser of a talented team that featured four future NBA stars, Allen Iverson dominated the 1995-96 season as no Hoya has done before or since. Adept at the crossover dribble that became his NBA trademark, lightning quick to the basket, and able to score on opponents at will, Iverson was largely unstoppable. Even more impressive was an effort to improve his shooting touch, for despite averaging 20.4 points as a freshman in 1994-95 (2nd all time for a Georgetown rookie), Iverson only shot 39 percent from the field, 23 percent from three, and 19 percent from three in Big East play. For his sophomore season, his field shooting increased to 48 percent, his three point mark to 36 percent. The results were striking.
In the pre-season NIT versus Temple, Iverson shot 50 percent for 24 points and a career high 10 rebounds. After a 23 point effort against Georgia Tech, he scored a career high 40 against Arizona, one of two 40+ point games that season. In Big East play, Iverson could ring up points with ease, such as the game where he scored 21 points in only 20 minutes against Rutgers.
In the final three months of the season, Iverson led the team in 21 of the team's 25 games: 40 against Seton Hall, 39 against St. John's, 34 against Providence. He scored 30 in a wild win over Memphis, and followed it up two nights later with 26 in an upset of #3 Connecticut. For the game, Iverson totalled 26 points, 8 steals, and 6 assists, including a soaring dunk past Ray Allen and the Huskies. It was the highest ranked team any Georgetown team had defeated since 1988. His best performance of the season might have been a 37 point, 8 rebound, and three steal effort against #6 ranked Villanova, playing only 27 minutes. The 106-68 win represents the sixth largest margin of victory and the largest margin ever by a Georgetown team against a top 10 opponent.
Iverson was capable of an off game; unfortunately, two came at particularly inopportune times for the Hoyas' hopes for a national title. Entering the 1996 Big East Final with a #1 seed on the line, Iverson shot 4 for 15 and the Hoyas lost by one, 76-75. As a result of the loss, Georgetown was seeded #2 behind top ranked UMass, and in the regional final between the two teams Iverson struggled with a 6 for 21 effort in the loss. For the season, though, his statistics were astonishing: his 926 points broke the then-record by 124 points. He set new single season marks in field goals, field goal attempts, three pointers, three point attempts, steals, minutes, and scoring average (25.0), the latter of which ranked 7th in the nation that season. The Big East's defensive player of the year, he was named a consensus All-American amidst numerous other awards.
If he could somehow have stayed four years, Iverson undoubtedly would have shredded the Georgetown record books. But whatever hopes existed for Iverson to resist the lure of the NBA were short lived, particularly with the news that one of his sisters had fallen ill. Seeing the opportunity to take care of his family's medical needs, Iverson announced for the NBA draft soon after the end of his sophomore season, becoming the first Georgetown player in the Thompson era to do so. The compact that had bound so many great Hoya players to a four year commitment--from Ewing to Williams, Mourning to Mutombo--had now been broken.
The first pick in the 1996 NBA draft, Iverson signed a $3.9 million contract with the Philadelphia 76ers and a ten year, $50 million deal with Reebok. His effort on the court is well known and respected, but for all the media portrayals of Iverson as the anti-hero, an icon of a "Hip Hop Nation" that ran counter to the NBA's carefully constructed marketing image, or as a symbol of all that is allegedly wrong in professional basketball, he remains remarkably well-grounded.
Married for six years and the father of two, Iverson is fiercely loyal to his teammates and to his childhood friends. He considered it an honor to play for the U.S. Olympic team in 2004 when other NBA stars passed on the offer, and maintains a number of charity events to benefit his local community. In comparison to his NBA career, his years at Georgetown were largely free of the intense media and personal scrutiny, providing at least two years where he could grow as a person as well as a basketball player.
His arrival and exit at Georgetown is still a source of debate in some circles, but his performance on the court is not. Allen Iverson found a home, even briefly, at the Hilltop, and remains one of its brightest stars. "In my heart, I know I'm a basketball player," Iverson said following his 2006 NBA trade, "being that I know I can play with the best of them."
From that first Kenner League game on 1994, no one has doubted it since.

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